Alessandro Benini

wines for passion

About Us

We convey our personality, our way of thinking, what the concept of wine means to us, and how we wish to take care of the craftsmanship inside of each bottle.

Our roots are in this valley, the Mezzane Valley, where our family decided to return to its calling of wine producers, and it is precisely from our family that we—my sister and I—learned to respect labor and the Earth.

Luci di Vite

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Luci di vite

The Vineyard

Thirty acres of vineyards ranging from 40 to 60 years old grown on Veronese pergolas are for the Garganega, while the pergola type used in Trentino and Guyot are the training systems for the red grapes. In San Pietro di Lavagno we produce the grapes for white wine, while the red wine originates in Marcellise and San Briccio.
The vineyards are ORGANIC certified, organic-run since 2020, exactly because we want to respect the environment, the area, nature, and health of those who live and work here as much as possible. We use sustainable farming. We do not use weed killers, insecticides, or synthetic chemical products.


  • PASSERE DISTRICT (village of Lavagno): 3000 m² vineyard with an aspect to the east; limestone soil, at altitude 250 m, Trentino-style pergola
  • SAN BRICCIO HISTORIC DOWNTOWN (village of Lavagno): 3700 m² with an aspect to the southwest, volcanic soil, at altitude 200 m, located near the volcano of San Briccio
  • CENTRO DISTRICT (town of Tregnago): vineyard at altitude 550m, marl, 80-year-old vines, vineyard that we make rosé sparkling wine from


  • MARMURIA DISTRICT (town of San Pietro di Lavagno): Ten acres, clayey terrain, at altitude 70 m, 100% Garganega, Veronese pergola, vines from 1978 planted by my dad, Francesco
  • VAL DI MEZZO DISTRICT (town of San Pietro di Lavagno): Ten acres, vines from 1960 planted by my dad, Francesco, clayey alluvial soil, at altitude 100 m in a foothill area, 100% Garganega, Veronese pergola
  • PROGNI DISTRICT (town of San Pietro di Lavagno): Ten acres, clayey alluvial soil, a family vineyard since 1950, 100% Garganega, Veronese pergola

The Winery

When we conceived our winery—its place for vinification, but also for hospitality—we wanted to create a cozy, simple, essential, and pleasant space to work and to taste. A place that would respect and be consistent with the style of our wine: close-focused, harmonious, and coherent.
It’s important to us to get to the winery with an outstanding raw material and intervene as little as possible in the different steps of processing. The steps are really simple. After harvesting the grapes, we go on to pressing with delicate extraction in the cellar. We draw inspiration from the technique often used in the world of sparkling wine, precisely to maintain the freshness of the fruit and to emphasize the grapes’ features and recover them in the wine. We only work the free run juice, consistent with the concept of purity and handcraftsmanship. We avoid any oxidation, protecting the must and going into the fermentation phase without forcing it. Lastly, the wine is racked and maintained in lees stirring (on the lees) until it is put in the bottle.

The White Blackbird

Galeotto was the white blackbird that used to come visit us and that nested for years in the tree in our garden. We felt like we received a message: that white blackbird that sang at Vespers seemed to be a symbol of purity and sincere thought to us. We dedicated the symbol of our company to him.

Contact us for more information